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April 27, 2004 - The detail work has begun.  Clutch & brake lines are in and working.  The engine is being prepped in hopes that it can be turned over in the next couple of days.  Today, I was able to work with Dennis for a little while on the trunk lid.  We have to have the handlebars made up specially...they are on order.  Every day I'm awaiting a delivery from UPS of the headlights.  So, progress is being made, just not as fast as I'd like.  Of course, I want it done now so I can enjoy the balmy evening rides.  Here's the most recent pics.  As Dennis says..."The grinder is my friend!" 

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April 29, 2004 - Today seemed like all I did was run parts.  I couldn't get anything done and when I thought something was getting done, it wasn't...oh well, I guess those days will happen.  Here's a couple of photos of what didn't get done (what do you think of those ape hangers that Scott is holding onto?! :)

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May 1, 2004 - We went to Kingsburg to the Western Regional Brothers of the Third Wheel Trike In.  We were there just for the day.  It was really fun.  I was hoping to have the trike ready to go for this event, but it didn't happen.  que cera cera!  There were some fun events that we got to see including the Weenie Biting contest...the trike can't stop while the rider takes a bite of the hanging weenie.  Some of them were pretty good  :)    Click here to see the photos that we took.

May 4, 2004 - Even though Scott & I both have bad colds, we continue to plod on.  It's now down to the little parts getting done.  The seats are positioned (not pictured yet), the transmission is hooked up, throttle & brake lines are in, the front end is rebuilt (brakes going in tomorrow).  It's getting down to the wiring & body!  Oh yeah, tomorrow we'll be changing to rear disk brakes.  So, next photos you'll probably see will be while working on the body...

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May 13, 2004 - Well, we've continued to make progress, however, none of it was photo worthy until these were taken today.  I wouldn't let Carolyn take any photos...she was going through withdrawals!!!    We've rounded up all the electrical parts and are almost done with the wiring (thanks a bunch to Don!!!).  The dash is wired in, headlights (vintage Harley), taillights (vintage Cadillac), fuel spout, etc.  We've also switched the drum brakes to disc brakes (thanks Wimpy!!!).  We're hoping to have the handlebars by tomorrow and we'll fire it up!!!  At least we can hope  !!!

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MAY 17, 2004 - It's a red letter day!!!  The trike is on the road...not done, but drivable!  Finally, the handlebars arrived and with that, we were able to do some tweaking and got her going.  What fun we had pulling it out and going around the complex where we work.  We had a bunch of people out watching - it sure is fun seeing people smile when you go by!  Carolyn got on the trike and when I took off (of course verrrry slowly ), she let out a scream that would deafen my daughter in New York.  So, here's some photos...

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May 21, 2004 - We've continued on with the building, but since there's very little obvious changes, there's been very few photos.  So, here's what we did today...we got the second set of tail lights and finished the back lights, license plate, etc.  Next week we'll be working on the sheet metal to build the body.  Then we'll have more, keep looking.

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June 8, 2004 - OK, OK...I've been sick and unable to do a lot in this lapse of time...however, I'm now back on track.  We have had it out on the road quite a bit and are working out some of the bugs.  This week we've been working on getting the sheet metal on the trike.  I am hoping that tomorrow we'll have it pretty much done and the carpeting in.  So, here's some pics of the work in progress.  It's finally coming together.

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We'll have more photos soon!

June 20, 2004 - FATHER'S DAY - Well, this year I got to spend the day driving around the desert in my trike...just what I wanted to do!  We met my brother, Mark, and sister-in-law, Marilyn for lunch in Mojave and then rode out to explore the vistas.  Then we went northeast of California City to a "resort" called Silver Saddle.  We hung out there for awhile to cool off a bit and then went on home to Bakersfield.  We stopped by Carolyn's parents' home and I took her dad, Rueben, who is blind for a ride in the trike.  He LOVED it!!!  Then her sister, Diana had to have a ride too.  It's so much fun being able to bring smiles to people who see the trike driving down the road and while they are riding.   See the pictures Here.

This week I'm hoping to finish the sheet metal and get the fenders on.  So, keep checking back 'cuz it's not done yet!!!


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